So what has been happening? Obviously my posting here dipped substantially 2017. Mostly because I was focusing on other things in the real world and the bulk of my writing was done over at ChicagoNow.
My days are of the Groundhog variety, mostly consisting of me getting the kids to daycare, getting to work, picking the kids up and dealing with them until it's time to go to bed.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat. If I'm lucky I have a slow enough day at work that I can draft a post and get a lunch time workout in, that's a win.
I still intend to keep this site and post here as much as I can, but it will be more archival, historical things to look back on, like an old fashioned weblog versus the writing practice that is my ChicagoNow blog.
According to FB
On This Day here are my miles for the years:
- 2017 304
- 2016 301
- 2015 300
- 2014 374
- 2013 702
- 2012 804
- 2011 495
- 2010 661*
- 2009 344*
- 2008 1100
Update: I was able to find most of the missing years. I don't believe
Daily Mile was a thing in 2009 and 2010. Luckily I had uploaded my Garmen data to Strava and was able to get some of the numbers from 2009 and 2010. There are suspicious gaps in the Strava log as well. Perhaps I didn't run with the Garmen all the time or the data wouldn't upload for that segment. or maybe I was doing the No Need to Log miles if I'm not training thing. And that's fine. It's probably reasonable to suspect that the graph of miles versus years is linear moving downward.
It makes sense because 2008 was the year I foolishly ran 3 marathons and needed to take 2009 off. I ran the 2010 Chicago Marathon so there was probably more mileage there.

I managed to get 300+ mile goal in well before the year ended, in spite of hardly running at all in July and squandering the last 10 days of November. I think this year I won't have a hard goal other than to just run as often and as far as time permits. I'll just run when I can and see where I am each month.
Right now I'm home with two sick children. We are in a phase now where they do not want to go to sleep on time and thus don't want to get up on time. It doesn't help that they are not getting much outside activity to wear them down at daycare because of the weather.
During our trip to the South, Nightingale oscillated from wanting to move down there to realizing it wasn't the right answer. We could get a really nice house for not a lot of money and be in an excellent school system. But my feeling is that I don't belong there, can't fit in and won't be welcomed, thanks in no part to my my newest brother-in-law (who I will call Jethro Clampett).
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