There's bad stuff going on across The Pond. For posterities' sake, I'm referring to Russia invading Ukraine and half of America thinking that is okay. Some of them are relations by blood or marriage.
Last night (2/24/2022 in case I don't post this quickly) I cried for the first time in a long time. I'm Polish but what is happening right now mirrors what happened to my grandparents.
I reached out to a Virtual Friend who is Russian. She told me the following:
Hi, thank you for your message. I greatly appreciate it. This war is a tragedy for Ukraine, Russia, Europe and the entire world. All Russians I know are of course against it. But nobody asked us. And, of course this war will bring poverty to each and every Russian person and will kill the economy. Hope you are well
Update: it's 3/24/2022 and the invasion continues. Ukraine has done an outstanding job of holding Russian troops off, but it's still war and people are dying.
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