It is wintertime in Mississippi and the rest of the South. Usually, what passes for winter down here is a few below-30-degree days and maybe one snowfall. Since we moved here, and even a few Christmas visits before, there has been bigger-than-standard snowfall and colder-than-record temperatures.
kids attempt at making us breakfast |
The good news is that winter is usually just mid-December to mid-February, give or take a week. Typically, it will be biting cold in the AM, but by 1 pm, the sun will be out, and it will be anywhere from 45 to 60 or even 70 F.
This year, Winter seems to want to stick around into March according to the weather forecast. We might actually get more snow next week.
Finally got the chicken right for the Alfredo |
Every January I wonder what I should do with this space. I've been blogging here for 15 years with 922 posts to show for it. While blogging isn't dead, it definitely has taken a back seat to other forms of social interaction.
I could go over to SubStack and revive my ChicagoNow blog in hopes of growing an audience, but I don't think I want that anymore. Writing, running, and playing volleyball were my passions in my teenage and early 20s. But each one eventually became "work" and thus not as much fun.
Beyond that, by the time I can make words about something it turns out that other people already said what needs to be said much better than I could ever say it.
The reality is that I'm not gonna be a viral influencer or pundit and I'm never gonna write that great American novel. And I'm okay with that. Having a space where I can write my occasional this happened to me and here are my thinky-thoughts about it is fine.