We just need 178 more drinks of water |
So when the opportunity to WFH full time came along it seemed like a no-brainer. Take the kids to school, get back home and maybe even have a little time to get a run in before work. Alas, it did not go as expected. It is as if they somehow knew that I have a little more cushion so they decided to delay getting up and getting ready for school. I would say we have the following buckets:
- Get to school with just enough time for me to get back in time for work
- Get to school with me getting back with enough time to run/relax/mow the lawn
- Get to school with me getting back late
I did finally learn that it is better for me to pick them up closer to 5:30 than 5 like I did most summer (I'm a slow learner). The sooner I pick them up, the more time I have with them until Nightingale gets home and playing zone is so much harder than man-to-man when it's pre-schoolers.
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