A month ago I wrote about the unofficial goal of running 365 miles this year, or a MPD (mile a day). After that post, I didn't run consistently for the rest of April. The start of May wasn't runtastic either, but I have started to right the ship.
- Jan Feb 59
- March 25
- April 18
as of May 13, 2019, I'm at 116 miles including today's 2-mile treadmill run. For the MPD goal, I would be at 133 so I have a 17-mile deficit. With 18 days left in May, that means I need 18 + 17 = 25 miles to get back on target. That is in addition to the 14 I have already run this month.
There was a time when that would have been five 5-milers or three 5-milers and a 10 mile LR that I could have completed in a week. Those days are gone and I really should have made more of an effort to get a few more runs in since that last post.
My body isn't gonna handle running every day, even if it's just 2 on the treadmill and I prefer outdoor running especially now that the nice weather seems to have arrived.
If I take tomorrow off, then run 3 outdoors, that covers me until May 17. I could even take Thursday off and then run Friday, assume 3 miles and that covers me to Monday. If I get another LR in on Saturday, that would cover me for that upcoming week.
Update: after drafting this, I did a 4-miler on the 15th but then was not able to get out for a run since. I did a 3 mile run today (5/20). That gives me 21 miles for May and I'm still in decent shape goalwise but it would be better if I built up some miles before taking another long break. My plan is to get the 31 miles for May and 6 more to cover the March Deficit. June will be about chipping away at the April deficit.
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