Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Last Sleep in Day for a While

The kids go back to school on Thursday.  Tomorrow is Boris' OT appointment so we get up at 7 to be out the door by 7:50 for a 30-minute session that begins at 8.  And Saturday at 8:30 is Natasha's soccer practice.  

One of the problems with living in the South is the summers are just too hot to really be outside.  And almost everything we can do inside costs money.  it's not that we cannot afford it, but like a lot of things, it has its limits.  We can only do so much bowling, arcade, Urban Air, and swimming pool (that one is free) before the kids get tired of it.  

The seasons down here kinda work like this:   

  • From the end of May to the middle of September it is too hot to do much outside and it doesn't really cool off in the evenings.

  • From the middle of Sept to mid-November it's nice and you can get things done.  Even on the hotter days, there is a morning window and an evening window.

  • mid-November to the end of February is what is considered winter here. And it might snow or you might need some warmer clothes but it's great for being outside.

  • March to Mid-May is spring and it's the opposite of Fall.

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