Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Almost mid-year report on running goal

My goal for this year was to run 40-45 miles a month give or take.  I got off to a decent start but missed the mark in April and totally failed in May with only running X miles.

Jan: 46
Feb: 33
Mar: 41
Apr: 33
May: 17
Jun:  5 (thus far)
175 miles thus far in 2016.

Forgetting about 45 and settling for 40/month for now, I'm starting June off with a deficit of 30 miles and when you add in the 40 for June, I'm needing to get in another 65 to hit 240.  I don't expect to get much mileage in this weekend while we are in Memphis for a wedding.

Honestly even if I do establish some running consistency this month, I wouldn't attempt to go from averaging 35 miles a month to 75 miles, that would be too hard on this poor old body.  So I will need to make up the deficit over several months or re-define the goal.

ON the plus side, taking the month of May off seems to have done wonders for the knees because they don't ache like the usually do during a run.  I did run a 10K last month and did quite well for not having run for 3 weeks beforehand.

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