Friday, June 2, 2017

Post Memorial Day Wrap up

We had a busy Memorial Day weekend.  First, my mom left our house Friday at some point and didn't return until Monday so that was an extra bonus.  I know that sounds mean reader from the future but there is a distinct difference in the overall mood when my mom is not around.

Katness and family came over late Saturday evening and we grilled hamburgers.  On Sunday we went to a friends annual MD cookout.  On Monday Nightingale got the idea, based on our On This Day FB reminder, to go out to breakfast at our local diner and then take the bus to the beach.  It was a close to spontaneous as a couple with two 2-yr olds can be (you still have to pack a ton of stuff).

It definitely wore the kids out.  They napped so well Monday afternoon that it was hard to wake them up.

A lot of companies in Corporate America have figured out that people get even lazier during the summer so they come up with summer hours.  My current place (Big Audit) does the leave two hours early on Friday thing.  We are supposed to make those hours up during the week but either you are busy enough or you aren't.

Last year Headless Nick never brought up this perk.  I did ask him about it once and he was very nonchalant, saying that people do it if they are caught up.  The thing is, he liked to work.  He would come in at 9 and stay until 6 which equals my 5 pm.  During Kickoff Friday, he would stay until his 4, which was my 3.  So skipping lunch to leave early wasn't an option.  He just couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want to take advantage of the distraction-free time to get some real work done.

Update:  Based on information receive much later, I have determined that Headless Nick was staying around late because his girlfriend was finishing up her tasks and they shared a car.  That doesn't negate him being a prick about expecting others to work on his schedule, but it at least paints him as less of a workaholic and just more of an obtuse person.


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