I feel I did a pretty good job of clearing the clutter on this second pass. This stuff followed me around because it was significant twenty years ago but has little relevance now. I suppose if I had done this exercise in 2008 when I was first on Facebook, I might have used some of these notes to look up people. But I have no desire to really do so today.
You'll do better in life than we ever will for reasons we are too young to grasp right now. |
Whatever it was, I could not care less if most of them are dead right now.
Looking through the autograph book the recurring theme seems to be hey you are a smart but goofy kid who even the teachers don't like enough to protect you from us.
Still I did see some things today that I didn't notice back then. Though inappropriate, I probably invited more of the abuse than I realized. Something I definitely have to watch out for to protect Moose & Squirrel better than anyone ever tried to protect me.
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