Tuesday, December 31, 2019

MPD goal achieved

I managed to hit my unofficial goal of running 365 miles, i.e. one mile per day, with just over a week to spare.  I even got a few extra miles in to account for any mistakes or discrepancies when I switched from DailyMile to Strava.

Month Expected Actual Strava
Jan 31 25 24.8
Feb 28 34 33.7
Mar 31 25 24
April 30 18 18
May 31 38 38.8
June 30 30 30.5
July 31 24 24.2
August 31 39 39.2
Sept 30 29 29
Oct 31 45 45.3
Nov 30 32 32.7
Dec 18 29 29.1
totals 352 368 369.3
average 30.775
left 2 Go 13 -3 -4.3

I'm putting the above in text form instead of a screen capture so that I can cut and paste the numbers if I ever need them.  I'm also backdating this post because I'm not sure what direction I'll take Mysteries of Life in 2020 and maybe ending it in 2019 is the way to go.

At one point, I was 18 miles behind on the goal...but by October 17th I managed to catch up.

It was challenging especially when the trifecta of weather, work and motivation didn't always intersect.  There are days I just cannot get out to run.

The thing about a goal like this is I'm back to being married to a training schedule.  There are days when I have other things that need to be done, especially around the house.  Mowing the lawn, watering the lawn, raking leaves, shoveling snow.

What I've found is that there really is something to doing at least a 2 mile run.  If I'm not feeling it, quitting after 2 miles still knocks out that day and the next for recovery or the previous for makeup.  If I am feeling it, it isn't that hard to push through another mile or two and build up some running equity.

I think for 2020 I'll go with not having a goal.  I'll just run when and if I feel like it and not worry about hitting a mileage goal.

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