With DailyMile gone, it's a bit more effort to track. I'm using STRAVA right now which torments its free users by making things harder than they have to be. Example: you can manually enter an activity, but if you make a mistake on the date, time or distance, you have to delete and start over.
Update: Apparently, this isn't just with the free version either. There are various threads in the support community about this exact issue and how Strava refuses to address it.
At this time, we do not have the ability to manually edit the distance for a recorded activity on Strava. We appreciate your feedback.— Strava Support (@StravaSupport) April 10, 2019
At the end of February, I had run 59 miles so I was right on target. I missed some time in March because of sickness but still managed 25 miles and with three 3-mile runs under my belt so far in April, I'm on track.
So by my math, as of April 10, 2019, I'm at 93 miles for the year, including today's 3-mile run. If I actually ran a mile a day, I'd be at 100 miles so I'm only off by 7 miles. I'm hoping I'll get some running in when we go down to Olive Branch MS for Easter. But even if I don't, it shouldn't be too hard to make up the missing miles. And again, this is just an unofficial goal. Some days I just don't feel like running and after a decade of being a slave to a training schedule, I kinda feel like I deserve to not run if I don't feel like it.
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