I purchased a Zmodo Greet Wifi Video Doorbell With Beam Smart Home Hub And Wifi Extender off MorningSave at the start of the month. As is my life, I only today got it installed. The device cost $59 (plus $5 shipping) and to get a professional electrician to install was another $95.
I probably could have figured out how to install it myself. But I don't think I would have done as good a job of mounting it as the pro did.
To be honest, I'm a little disappointed in the device. I don't expect a lot from certain tech. It's nice if it has extra bells and whistles but I generally buy something for a specific purpose and if it is lacking in functionality that would make that tech meet that need, I feel cheated.
The camera does not come with a zoom and tilt. Also, I would expect the part that attaches to the actual doorbell to be more modular, so that you could swap out for a more enhanced version later.
I'm still tinkering around with it so maybe there is a way to get some zoom or tilt. Stay tuned.
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