Thursday, January 31, 2019

DailyMile is going the way of the DoDo

I've been using the DailyMile website to track my running since December 2011.  It served its purpose but I can tell that the site is sorely in need of code updating, which it will likely never see because whoever is/was behind it, couldn't figure out how to monetize it.

DailyMile came too late to the game.  This would have been a wonderful thing in the early 2000s when not ever runner had a Garmen or other GPS watch device and would have loved a simple tool to keep track of their mileage.

In lieu of the expensive GPS watches, a lot of us runners used a poor person's tool at USATF.   This clumsy website was just good enough to let you map out a route and share with others, although most runners, I suspect, just used it to figure out how many miles they just ran.

Had it partnered with USATF, perhaps it could have found its niche.  Instead, when DailyMile came on the scene, it tried to be like if Facebook if Facebook were a Running App.

I'll keep using DailyMile as long as it is free and available but I suspect it will be sunset in the next few years.  There are other apps I could use and will likely do so since my Garmen is about to die.

UPDATE:  Not too long after I published this, I logged into DailyMile to post that day's run and saw this message

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Polar Vortex visits Chicago

Yesterday was the coldest day perhaps on record for Chicago and many parts of the midwest.  Public Schools and our daycare were closed as they are today.  It is understandable in one sense.  Many people have rough commutes that would expose them to unnecessary dangers of the cold.

My unpopular opinion is that many people are acting as if this is radioactive fallout instead of cold air.  That's not to say that you can be outside for prolonged lengths of time without consequences, severe frostbite comes to mind.  But you can survive going from your home to a car and to a heated building if you have the ability to do so.  If you have to wait for a bus or train in the elements, that is another thing entirely.  Still, as long as you bundle up and the wait isn't too outrageous, you will survive.

Meanwhile, I was able to take yesterday off but am working today.  I didn't want to take two days of PTO even though I have the hours, I'd rather use them for something else when the weather gets better.

I WFH 100% so most days I'm in workout clothes to start the day. I drop the kids off at daycare and then get back home just in time to start the day.
On a good day, I go for a lunchtime run and then check in and see what is on the agenda for the afternoon. My team is EST so sometimes that run is at 11 CST, sometimes at 12. If I put it off past 1pm, I just don't want to do it.
I get back and usually, there is a call or issue I have to address. Therefore I don't get to shower until 3 or 4. So I'm basically in "street clothes" from 4 until bedtime which, with two rambunctious preschoolers, never comes soon enough.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Year, New Office

This is a picture of my new desk.  It's actually a used Ikea Micke desk I picked up on Facebook Marketplace.  It is replacing the larger, bulkier rolltop secretary desk we bought ages ago.  We sold that on Marketplace as well.

Ironically, this is the second Ikea Micke desk that was available.  I was going to purchase one from someone but had to hold off because the attempt to give away my rolltop desk fell through.  That's right, I was going to give the desk to someone for free but she couldn't take it for, reasons.  Thus I was able to sell it for $50 (I paid $80 four years ago).

With a laptop and decent WiFi, I can work in almost any room I wish around the house.  And when the weather gets decent again I do plan to sit on the porch or back deck for parts of my workday, or even the garage.

But there are times when you just need a traditional desk, especially if you want to hook up a monitor for an extra screen.

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