To say September was a busy month is an understatement. We had birthdays for the twins and Nightingale. NG also had a girls' weekend in Anne Arbor. Our anniversary is this week and this weekend we travel to Ontario to visit Niagra Falls. I tried several times and failed to hammer out this post.
The weather is averaging in the 70s and I can wear long pants again without feeling uncomfortable. I have a lot of projects to get to and the cooler weather makes it easier. However, Boris has been home sick since Wednesday with a bad cough.
This weekend my BIL Confederate Jethro wanted a kid-free weekend for his 50th birthday. My in-laws agreed and the kids were divided between Nightingale's parents and his. But my MIL had an online class Saturday afternoon so we had to watch the 3 yr old for a few hours. In other words, my FIL couldn't take care of his grandchild for a few hours.
I honestly don't think Grandpa Cartwright ever wanted children or grandchildren, at least not in a longing sense of the word. He was taught that a man gets married, raises a family and that's that. But he wasn't taught that a man is involved with his family beyond bringing home a paycheck and caring for children is woman's work. Confederate Jethro is of the same cloth.
And the net effect of that is we had to help a guy who won't lift a finger to help us or anyone else. I'm just writing this here to remember in a few months when my 55-year-old brain has filed this one away.