Monday, February 26, 2018

Just another weekend

The intervals in posting both here and at ChicagoNow are the longest gaps I've had in a long time. A confluence of events have created a Perfect Storm of obligations that left me with no time or energy.  

This weekend I found a nice buy at the Salvation Army which motivated me to start working on the laundry room.  I finally laid down a portion of the Proslat tile I bought three years ago (almost to the day).  

It appears that Proslat tile has gone the way of the dodo so shame on me for not just buying more at the time, especially of the color i wanted.  Lesson learned.

I was also able to do a little O-P  Organizing and Purging.  I managed to get rid of lots of useless things I've been keeping in the garage and my work area looks a lot nicer.  I hope to continue and get my tools better divided between the garage and the laundry room.  

May not reflect final location
Winter seems to be retreating, with the usual skirmishes as Winter does.  While there have been a plethera of warm days these last two months, generally this time of year the day starts out cold and by the time it warms up enough, I'm too beat by work to go for a lunch run.  Soon I will be able to drop the kids off at daycare and then do my run before work.   Assuming the kiddos cooperate.

We actually got the kids dressed and downstairs by 655.  We left the house at 710.  By the time we left Daycare it was 725.  We get in our train at 745.  we get to Washington Station at 8:10 and ten minutes later I'm at my desk.  And this is a good day.

on the plus side, my scale says I'm 208.8 lbs today!  I want that to drop closer to 200 but it's a bit better than the nearly 220 I was clocking near the end of last year.  I have one month before the Shamrock Shuffle and I need to get more consistent running in just so that I can run it non-stop let alone defend my preferred start that I keep getting thanks to legacy status, which may not last forever. 

This time of year when I need to address home improvement projects.  We have many.  We can only take on a few.  So I have to choose the ones that add value to the house, or more realistically maintain it.  Secondly, things that improve the comfort level while we are there.  This year's big spend will be some type of cooling system, either split ductless or space pack, because I'm tired of window units and NG is tired of them too.   Included in that we hope will be some resolution for our cold basement.  

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Tuff and Needle Matress Two Years later

I didn't even remember I had wrote about the new mattress until I got a form letter email soliciting that I do something to help someone else, without any benefit to myself.

It might be a coincidence but pretty much from the day the new mattress arrived, the kids stopped sleeping in their cribs and began sleeping with us.  I tried removing the railing and turning their cribs into a makeshift toddler bed.  The novelty of that lasted about a week.  Then I bought them their bunk bed, which also was cool for about a week.  They have slept with us pretty much for the last two years.

Sometimes I take one kid into the guest bed, which has been moved to their old nursery, nee my old office.  Sometimes both of them come along.

the winter is in retreat, with the usual skirmishes as it does so this time of year.  Good thing too because my electric snow thrower bit the dust a few weeks ago.

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Friday, February 9, 2018

Snow Days are great except when they are not

It started snowing last night just as we got home from work and continued through the night and the better part of the day.  As far as snow storms, the one that just occurred in Chicagoland isn't even in the top 10.  However, it did suck just the same because....

A lot of businesses closed included our daycare so we had to keep our kids home.  This would have been okay since Friday is my normal WFH day and NG got to WFH as well because of the conditions.  However, she still has to take pages and give consultations over the phone while also writing notes.

On top of that, at work we are having what's known as a Major Outtage.  This involves everyone getting on a phone bridge and not being able to leave their computer until things are settled.

On top of that, I missed the text from my Director asking for my help at 10:30 pm last night because I was already asleep because we are so sleep deprived around here that we rarely stay up past 9 pm.  I didn't have my phone upstairs because I don't want some random call to wake us once we do get to sleep.

On top of that, my kids are being fucking douchebags typical 3 year olds and not wanting to behave and just watch TV.  They see their parents home with them and want attention.

So yeah, this day has sucked.

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