Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fastest to 300 miles in a while

On Monday I reached 300 miles for 2019.  In the past, it was usually the month of December, often the very last week when I hit that milestone.  Having run 40+ miles this month -- something I have not done in a very long time -- I not only completed the mileage for October but eliminated the mileage deficit as well. 

Okay technically I have a mile to go but what are the odds I won't get a great Halloween day run in?  And even if  I don't, just add it to November.  32 miles to go!

What I've found is that there really is something to doing at least a 2 mile run.  If I'm not feeling it, quitting after 2 miles still knocks out that day and the next for recovery or the previous for makeup.  If I am feeling it, it isn't that hard to push through another mile or two and build up some running equity.

In the summer I often either made the mistake of or didn't have the opportunity to, run too late in the day. The summer sun would be out and I would get gassed.  Now that the weather is cooler, I strive to go a little later in the day to get the highest temperature.  I still should endeavor to run as early as possible since that leaves me with more of my day left to do mini-projects in between work activity. 

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Friday, October 18, 2019

Caught up on the MPD

After my run yesterday (Thursday) I had 290 miles, which by my math is what I was supposed to have by the 17th of October.  Obviously, I'm not running today and may not get to run this weekend so I will be behind again on Monday.  But as I've been managing 4 miles runs, I should be able to get back on track yet again.

Random plaque one block over

I found that pushing myself to do one more mile to make 4 mile runs was a bit easier than doing consecutive runs of three miles.  With 12 days left of October, I hope to build up some surplus miles because I anticipate December will be problematic to run the last week or so since we will be down South.

UpdateI actually got a 3 mile run on Sunday so I am still caught up and have completed my mileage for October.  Now onto those surplus miles.  

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A fun evening at the beach

a few weekends ago, we gathered the chillins and pack up our beach gear and headed from the lakefront.  The idea was to meet up with some old runner friends for a reunion of sorts.  The reunion didn't happen for various reasons but we kinda knew that going in.  That's' why we designed the trip as a make good on our promise to take the kids to the beach all summer instead of a catch up with people we haven't seen in ages thing.

The weather was perfect.  The beach was not too crowded but not empty.  There was even a party going on a 100 yards or so from us which provided some background music that blended well with the serenity of the evening.

The kids had a blast.  My only wish was that we left just as it was getting dark because it is hard to gather everything when there isn't enough light and the beach seems to convert to a single peoples' place after dark when families generally go home.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

100 Miles to go

We are in the final quarter of 2019 and I am doing okay with my MPD goal.  Not as good as I like but not terrible either.

If you look at my Strava September stats, you'll see 11 activities for 29 miles.  however, 2 of those were junk entries to adjust for time and distance.  Because Strava won't let you adjust your miles or time.  So if you didn't restart your timer too bad.  There is also no way to see your totals for the past month because I suspect they want you to pay for the fully meshed version and I see no reason to do that.

By my calculations, we have 92 days to go and I have 100 miles left.

  • Oct  31
  • Nov 30
  • Dec 31

and I trimmed the mileage deficit down to 8 miles.  That leaves 100 miles to go.  I ran today (Oct 1st) instead of yesterday (Sept 30) because it is slightly less humid but I'm gonna pretend like I got that 3 mile run in on Monday.

During the week there are two good windows for me to go get a run.  Either way before 10 am if it's quiet, or just after my 10 am call, usually at 11 which equates to noon Eastern Time, when my colleague would be at lunch.   But if I don't get out the door by 1pm on a weekday, the run likely just isn't happening.
And some days there are just more important things to do

There are days I just cannot get out to run.  Either they are too hot, I am too busy or both. Sometimes I have other smaller projects I need to get done during the span of time that I have daylight and no kids in the way.

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