SHB lives at Irving Park Rd and Scheffield Ave. For some reason, I couldn't just drop her at that corner and make it home in 10 minutes with a straight shot down Irving Park. I had to make the turn and drop her off in front of her condo, 100 yards south of the intersection. Basically, I was too much of a pussy to insist otherwise. Fortunately, my pussyness afforded me the opportunity to head toward Addison and drive West to get home. I would often stop at Hero's Submarine Sandwich Shop at 3600 N Western and get a couple of subs for my late lunch and early dinner before going out for the evening.
Hero's has been around for a long, long time. My Uncle "Animal" use to go to Lane and he introduced me to them. I was supposed to actually go to Lane Tech for high school but a bitter douch bag 8th grade teacher decided to write an anti-recommendation in the section of the application reserved for Principal Comments and I suspect that placed me on the path to attend Von Steuben instead. Although I did get to go there for a couple of summer school sessions.
Reading through the Yelp reviews, it seems like the quality has gone down a little. If so, that is too bad. I suspect this shop, like so many other Chicago staples, will go away once the current owner decides it isn't lucrative to continue and/or doesn't have an heir to continue the family business.
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