Whoring out this blog is exhausting. I've tried to write posts that are interesting and relevant so that I can post links on other blogs in order to get page hits. Sometimes I just need a post that is about me. My stream of conscience and what's going on in my life. Yeah, an online personal journal of sorts. So this one will be boring and hopefully down-to-earth.

This has been an enlightening month. The more I hang out with Tracy and Fitz the more I learn what a douchebag he really is. I was looking at some old Instant Messenger conversations on an old hard drive. The evidence has been there all along: Fitz is a small person with large douche baggage. I will have to write more about this in the future because it is cathartic and he wouldn't be caught dead reading my blog.
After a week of getting up early to drive to work and even having some sleep deficit, I really enjoy sleeping in on a Saturday. Unfortunately, this means I don't get to run with my friends at the lakefront because they start their run at 8am (at least until summer marathon training begins, then its 6am to beat the heat). If I miss the window to join them, I tend to just run local. What I really miss is the coffee/breakfast socializing after the run.

A few Saturdays ago, I ran bandit with a CARA half marathon training group led by SHB. They were a good group and I hope to run with them again if I can get my butt out of bed in time and before they ramp up their mileage since I'm only good for 6-7 miles these days.
In the glory days of summer marathon training, running Bandit is frowned upon. In the dead of winter, no one really cares. Everyone is more happy to have someone to run with in the cold than to stand on ceremony. Though that Saturday was a rare true cold winter day, it was still warmer than it should have been for March.
We've had a very mild winter and now that March is here, it almost feels like summer with highs in the 70s and 80s. I read on The Simple Dollar blog that every 7 years or so we get a mild winter in the Midwest and this is ours. Enjoy it because next year will probably be brutal.

This past weekend we went on a date with another couple. Now that I'm married, many of my married friends want to do things with Nightingale and me. This probably would have put me off back in the day because I would wonder why I wasn't good enough to go out with when I was single. However, now I see it from the point of being a couple. The times that my couple friends did want me to join was usually to set me up with a girlfriend of theirs with whom the only thing we had in common was our singlehood and our need to breathe oxygen.
The couple are friends of mine and while I've known them for years, first K and then J. Theirs was one of the weddings I was surprised to be invited to since I knew they had a large family and I didn't think I was high on the food chain. It just goes to show that you never know how things are gonna turn out.
We went to the revamped South Side Irish St Patrick's Day Parade last Sunday hence the photos to break the writing up.
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