So a week or so ago my PML forwarded me an email from the person who manages hoteling in the Chicago office. Note: they reach out to our PMLs instead of to us directly. This is one more sign of how dysfunctional things are at Big Audit.
I'll miss the white board and coat cubby |
When I started in 2016, we could somehow get the kids to daycare and get to work between 8 and 8:20, especially with my mom helping out in nicer weather. However, as the kids have gotten older and are learning to test limits, getting them to daycare has become a longer
Anywho, I'm giving up my desk at the office and WFH more. Until they officially take my desk away, my plan is to go into the office a couple times mid-week. Eventually I will switch to full time at home, unless and until the rumored restructure impacts me.
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