Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Down to Five bucks a Day now

I thought it would be good to update the Cost per Day for the Drama Playset.  We have now owned the Drama Playset since January 14, 2022.  

Conservative Estimate:  I'm assuming that 4 kids using the playset most days equals one kid using it every day.  Also we have had an additional kid most of the year.

So using the time and date duration calculator to figure the time between January 14, 2022, when it finally arrived, and today this year, I get 1013 days.  

that works out to $6000/455 = $5.92 per use.

Slightly Optimistic Estimate:  If we get more optimistic, then we can assume 4 kids using the playset most days equals two kids using it every day.

that works out to $6000/455/2 = $2.96 per use.

And if we take the average of these two values, we get the more like CPU of $4.44.

So as we approach the 3 year anniveasry, it cost $5 to keep my kids entertained and off their iPads.

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