As of today I've run 29 miles which is 6 more than last month. Barring any unforeseen schedule conflicts or other complications, I should be able to get two maybe even three more runs in to reach 35-40 miles.
I also finished reading The End of All Things (Old Man's War #6). I actually started reading this in August 2015 when my autographed copy arrived in the mail but I couldn't make the time to read it consistently until very recently. That's partly due to my life but also due to the fact that it sometimes take a while to get started on a Scalzi novel. It seems like the first 50 pages took me months to get through then I couldn't put the book down and finished it in less than a week.
But it counts toward my goal of 20 books in 2016. I think I can handle reading two books at once, one via Kindle when I'm out and about and staring at my iPhone and the other perhaps a hard copy at home. Currently I'm reading Down at the Golden Coin which is a book written by fellow ChicagoNow blogger and mother of twins Kim Strickland. This is another book that has been in my library for a long time (over two years now) that I'm finally getting around to knocking off.

And the weight thing? today I weighed myself twice. First measure was 207.7 lbs. I stepped off the scale, turned it around and moved it one foot on the bathroom floor (to the more traditional spot I use to weigh myself from) and weighed myself again. It was 205.8 lbs. Given how good I was yesterday with working out, portion control and eating healthy, I think it's safe to say I'm in the 206 range. That still leaves 5 lbs in 8 days which would be easily doable if I were running my old 40 miles a week instead of per month.
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