Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rumor has it Spring begins in less than three weeks

While today was another day that started out at zero and gradually crept up to a high of about 18 degrees, I do feel that the worse of the winter is behind us.  The allegedly about to end season had the fourth-most days with the mercury below zero.  But add in days when the temperature sunk to exactly zero, and suddenly, this season is Chicago’s new No. 1.

This weekend I ran the inaugural Pulaski 10K at Montrose Harbor.

Austin looks like he ran a 10K
The rest of the weekend was low key.  I'm on a mission to find a piece of furniture for the house so that involves trips to Threads and other thrift stores.  What I'm looking for is known as either a Secretaries Desk or a Rolltop Desk.  It has to be the right balance of being large enough to hide my desktop, router and preferably the printer but small enough not to stick out too much as it will likely go against the wall in our living room.

We did discover a new place to add to our restaurant rotation.  This is a place in Avondale that I spotted once while biking on evening in 2009, during that year when I took a break from running only to .  I was going to stop and have a beer but it seemed like all the outdoor seating was taken and I didn't want to go inside.  So it's taken me a few years but it was worth the wait.

Milano’s Restaurant & Bar is awesome.  I definitely will go there more often.  I only wish it were located closer to my house. 

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