Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Willing Suspension of Disbelief

So I've been binge-watching The 100 on Netflix.  Because I generally like science fiction, I gave Kass Morgan's trilogy a chance.  I tried to get into it when it first came out (March 19, 2014) but I was too busy with other TV shows and decided that if it stuck around, I would watch it at some point.

The adaption appears to have taken a radical turn from the books which is probably to be expected when you create a series out of a book especially if you market it for the CW's young audience.

Science Fiction generally requires you to suspend disbelief and the reader is willing to do so if the storytelling is entertaining enough.  Take Sleepy Hollow for instance.  While it has evolved into Revolutionary War Fan Fiction, the first season, the very first episode required an enormous suspension of disbelief on behalf of the viewer.  But because the chemistry between Icabod and Abby was so amazing, you were only too glad to do so.
willing to give this CW Network adaptation of
Writing fiction isn’t necessarily about so thoroughly developing your world that you as an author have an immediate answer for every possible consequence of the development of your universe. What you are often going for is sufficiency — that the world is logical enough to play in for the purposes of your story — and direction — moving people along in the story quickly enough that they don’t have time or the interest to question your worldbuilding or story-telling choices, at least until the story is done and you’ve bundled them back out into the real world, waving and smiling.  -- John Scalzi

If you do your world-building well and set up sufficient rules for your universe, you can get away with some things not making a lot of sense.

I generally like this show but there are some plot lines that I could do without. There are too many instances where someone acts in a manner that is clearly designed to advance the plot instead of mimic how a real person would act in that situation.  Other times horrible situations could have been avoided if two or more characters had just had a normal conversation where they share the information they have with each other.

SPOILER ALERT:  For instance, instead of kidnapping The 48 and stealing their bone marrow, wouldn't it have been easier to form an alliance with the Arkers and trade food and shelter for it? 

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